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Thanks to all the academics who submitted their application!
The application deadline has passed and the selection process started. More information for the new call-out will come up during the Autumn 2025. Stay tuned!
Call for applications for up to 12 PhD positions at the Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research opens soon!
The Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research (CGA) in Germany is a joint venture of the University of Cologne Excellence Cluster on Stress Responses in Aging Associated Diseases (CECAD), the University Hospital Cologne, the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing and the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research. Cologne has emerged as a leading global research cluster with a stellar constellation of institutes and scientists dedicated to ageing research in Life Sciences.
We offer
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Further information
CGA research groups enjoy an outstanding reputation in the cutting-edge research field of ageing and age-related diseases.
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