OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

PhD candidate in exercise and extracellular vesicles

2024-08-11 (Europe/Oslo)
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OsloMet's vision is to deliver knowledge to solve societal challenges. Norway's most urban and 3rd largest university.

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The Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Life Sciences and Health has a vacant three-year, fixed-term position as a PhD candidate in “Exercise and extracellular vesicles”. The desired start date is 1 January 2025.

Field of work

The PhD candidate will be affiliated with the research group “Diseases and Environmental Exposures” in the project

“The role of skeletal muscle-derived extracellular vesicles as exercise factors”. The main objective of the project is to examine how extracellular vesicles secreted from skeletal muscle cells communicate the beneficial effects of exercise on adjacent skeletal muscles and other cell types. We want to examine whether extracellular vesicles isolated from muscle cells after exercise can improve health factors such as insulin sensitivity. The project is being undertaken in close collaboration with the Unit of Blood Cell Research at Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, which has expertise within the field of extracellular vesicles.

As a PhD candidate at OsloMet, you will have the opportunity to apply for a grant for an extended research stay abroad.

Qualification requirements and conditions

  • second degree/master’s degree (120 credits/ETC or equivalent) in biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, cellular biology, physiology, or other relevant fields
  • good knowledge of human physiology
  • practical experience in general cellular and molecular biology methods
  • good written and spoken English
  • admission to the doctoral programme in health sciences is a prerequisite for the post. To gain admission to PhD programmes at the Faculty of Health Sciences, applicants must have achieved a grade of B or better in their master’s thesis/second degree level subject and an average grade corresponding to B or better in the master’s degree. In exceptional cases, applicants with a grade of C may be considered. In such cases, relevant experience from own research projects and/or scientific publications will be emphasised. Please see information about the criteria on the admissions website
  • the final plan for organised research training must be approved and agreed no later than three months after taking up the post

The general criteria for appointment as a PhD candidate can be found in the regulations (Regulations relating to employment terms for posts such as postdoctoral fellow, PhD candidate, scientific assistant and specialist candidate - Lovdata).

It would be advantageous for applicants to have

  • experience in cell culture work
  • experience with cellular and molecular biology methods at nucleic acid and protein levels, such as RT-qPCR, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, and omics techniques
  • experience with methods linked to the isolation and classification of extracellular vesicles
  • experience with statistics and data processing

Personal characteristics

  • high working capacity and ability
  • structured and reliable
  • good analytical skills
  • ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • creative and solution-oriented 

Personal suitability will be emphasised.

It is important for OsloMet to reflect the population in the region, and we would like to invite all qualified applicants to apply. We are working actively to further develop as an inclusive workplace and will adapt the workplace as required. We also welcome applications from those who have had periods in which they were not in employment, education, or training.

What we offer

  • an exciting educational post at Norway’s third-largest university
  • cooperation with a research group at Norway’s largest hospital
  • access to further professional development in a creative academic and research environment
  • a developing workplace
  • good borrowing and pension arrangements with the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
  • good welfare schemes

The post is remunerated in accordance with the Norwegian State Salary Scale and OsloMet’s salary policy under code 1017 as a PhD candidate, salary grade 54, which corresponds to a starting salary of NOK 532,200 per annum.

The application process

If you would like to apply for the post, you need to apply electronically using the “apply for the position” button.

You must upload the following documents before the application deadline expires:

  • application, CV, and copies of all pages of degree transcripts and diplomas
  • education from abroad should be approved in advance and the approval letter should be enclosed. See the HKDIR website for further information
  • statement of purpose
  • second degree thesis/master’s thesis
  • any scientific works or links to full articles
  • list of any publications or presentations at international seminars/conferences

We only process applications submitted via our electronic recruitment system and all documents must be uploaded for your application to be processed. Documents must be submitted in English or a Scandinavian language. Any translations must be notarised. Original versions must be presented if you are invited to attend an interview.

OsloMet will carry out document control to ensure that candidates are subject to a proper evaluation and fair competition. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

An appointment will be made based on the principles set out in the Norwegian Civil Servants Act (lovdata.no), as well as legislation governing the export of knowledge, technology and services.

Background checks may be carried out to verify information provided in the CV and submitted documents. Background checks will not be carried out without the applicant’s consent and relevant applicants will receive further information about the process.

OsloMet has endorsed the principles set out in the DORA Declaration and the institution is committed to adhering to the recommendations therein.

Further information

If you would like further information about the position, please contact:

  • Main Academic Supervisor, Associate Professor, Oliwia Witczak, oliwiaw@oslomet.no, telephone: +47 672 36 277
  • Project Manager, Professor Vigdis Aas, vigdisaa@oslomet.no, telephone: +47 672 36 281
  • Co-supervisor/Head of Unit, Oslo University Hospital, Kari Bente Foss Haug, k.b.f.haug@ous-hf.no, telephone: +47 22119492/+47 93047410
  • for administrative questions, Adviser Emma Simensen, emma.simensen@oslomet.no


Application deadline: 11 August 2024

Ref: 24/20282


PhD candidate in exercise and extracellular vesicles
Pilestredet 46 Oslo, Norwegen
2024-08-11 23:59 (Europe/Oslo)
2024-08-11 23:59 (CET)
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OsloMet's vision is to deliver knowledge to solve societal challenges. Norway's most urban and 3rd largest university.

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