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The STARS@UNIPD funding programme welcomes young pioneers of frontier research, offering support to ground-breaking ideas with definite potential to turn into competitive proposals for international funding, such as the prestigious ERC grants.
STARS grants are open to all scientific areas and fund research projects of 30 months to be developed in one of the 32 Departments of the University of Padua.
The scheme STARS Starting Grant (StG) is addressed to PIs of any age and nationality, who intend to establish their own team and launch an independent research. Successful candidates get a fixed-term post-doc position of 30 months in Padua. Applicants must have defended their first Doctoral Degree within a maximum of 5 years prior to 1st January 2025 (cut-off dates: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024).
The sole evaluation criterion will be the scientific excellence. Projects will be evaluated based on their innovative nature, ambition and feasibility. PIs will be rewarded for their scientific skills, creativity, and commitment.
STARS Grants offer a research budget of up to 75,000 € (for Social Science and Humanities domain) or 125,000 € (for Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences domains) for 30 months, plus a fellowship for the PI of up to 105,000 € gross amount for 30 months, equivalent to 42,000 € gross amount/year. Researchers from abroad may benefit from an extra Mobility allowance of 15,000 € (gross amount for 30 months).
OPENING DATE: December 20th 2024
CALL DEADLINE: March 21st 2025
TO APPLY: https://www.unipd.it/en/stars2025
University of Padova is a symbol of having achieved an ambitious objective, one that is recognised and coveted by both students and employers alike.
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