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University of Basel

Postdoctoral Fellow -Cancer Immunology (100%)

2024-11-24 (Europe/Zurich)
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Über den Arbeitgeber

University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

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The Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel is home to over 70 different research groups and offers an internationally stimulating, dynamic and friendly atmosphere in an attractive, culturally rich city in the heart of Europe. Be part of our future!
The Dixon Lab at University of Basel is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research fellow to study neuro-immune interactions in cancer. The role of intra-tumoral neurons is complex and still not fully understood. While some studies suggest they play a critical role in tumor progression and metastasis, others report that they may contribute to anti-tumor immunity. Our lab is dedicated to understanding the innervation landscape of peripheral tumors and its role in immuno-oncology.
We are particularly interested in candidates who have previously worked on cellular and molecular networks underlying tissue health and disease. Our goal is to conduct impactful interdisciplinary research interfacing tumor biology, immunology, and neuroscience to investigate the role of neurons in regulating tumor immunity.
Candidates will be expected to take the lead role in their projects, publish manuscripts as the first author, and present their projects and data at lab meetings, as well as international meetings. We are looking for someone who is excited to discover and answer questions related to neuro-immunology, and who demonstrates critical thinking, scientific rigor, and attention to detail.
  • A Ph.D. in immunology, oncology, or a related field
  • Strong interest in immune-oncology, neuroscience and/or immunology.
  • Extensive experience with flow cytometry.
  • Strong skills in conducting independent in-vivo studies, and basic knowledge of managing strains for independent projects, including genetically modified mouse models.
  • Experience in immunology, cellular and molecular biology.
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to work independently.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Commitment to teamwork and collaboration.

We are seeking an individual excited to study neuroimmunology in cancer. The successful candidate would join a dynamic team of international researchers with an interest in collaborating and helping each other. Mentorship and career development are critical aspects of our overall mission. Abundant one-on-one time and the support required for successful completion of projects are the foremost priorities of the lab. Close collaboration with neighboring neuroscience, oncology, immunology, and cancer immunology labs ensures a large, dynamic, and vibrant scientific network. Additionally, mentorship on the transition into subsequent career stages, including establishing of independent research programs will be provided. The position is available immediately and will remain open until filled.

Please use the link below to apply and submit the following documents:
i) curriculum vitae,
ii) summary of past accomplishments (max. 2 pages),
iii) link to ORCID/google scholar/NCBI publication list and
iv) contact details for 2-3 individuals who can provide recommendation letters upon request.


Postdoctoral Fellow -Cancer Immunology (100%)
Petersplatz 1 Basel, Schweiz
2024-11-24 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)
2024-11-24 23:59 (CET)
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Über den Arbeitgeber

University of Basel ranks among the world’s one hundred best universities and boast a top-ten place among German-speaking universities.

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